Monday, 13 May 2019

2019 Season

Over the winter we did our normal jobs, engine service, cleaning sails etc etc. We also had to buy a new life raft and they only last bout 14 years and you can't have them serviced after that. So winter is usually a time of expense. It also is a time we use the boat as our caravan on water. So we had many trips down to Ipswich, not just for jobs but also for social events.

We are very lucky that the Suffolk section of the CA (Cruising Association) is a very active section and we attended many of their excellent talks (and meals) over the winter.

Our Marina also organises events and this year we managed to go on the lock tour. We were pleased to get on it as in the past, the dates have never worked out for us. That was an interesting couple of hours. We regularly go through the lock but have never been in the office area to see how it all works. It was interesting to see the lock from a different perspective. Sadly it was a dank and misty day otherwise the views would have been brilliant.

This propeller blade was found in Prince Phillip lock during dredging operations in March 2012. After extensive research it was found to be from a Focke-Wulf during a bombing raid on Ipswich 2nd June 1943. Many were killed that night including the 20 year old pilot. It is thought this blade was from his aircraft, the MOD were informed of the find and are happy for it to be displayed at ONS (Orwell Navigation Service).

John always feels that we can give hours of entertainment to anyone one passing as we put the sails back on the boat. We must be getting better as we achieved this task quite quickly this year.

Nothing says the end of winter like the dehumidifier going off the boat and back home.

A couple of views, one of our friend's boat Fleur on the hard standing. By chance she was placed just above us. So I had to take a photo. The other is our Marina, had to take this one as an ex colleague's facebook tag is Charlotte Rose.

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