Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Although I won't be writing a blog properly until July I thought maybe I ought to record some of the things we have done on Rascal so far.
We never meant to become boat owners when we did. This was a dream for retirement - to own our own boat and take time to see places rather than charter a boat and sail frenetically for two weeks a year.
John decided to 'study form' and see what type of boat would be best and what we could afford when the day came. When Rascal came on the market we decided to come to Ipswich to look at her. Not to buy you understand but to look, to see what we might get. We looked at one boat in the morning - it was awful. In the afternoon we saw Rascal - love at first sight. The rest is history. We had already booked our holiday for that year so knew we wouldn't do much on Rascal. But every little trip we made on her made us even more sure we had made the right choice. Our highlight that year was going to Titchmarsh Marina. Although not far it was quite an adventure.

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